Health Care Provider Referral Sheet

Want to get your rheumatologist involved? Download this referral sheet to give to your doctor. Download Now
Redefining Lupus with precision medicine

What is Precision Medicine? Precision medicine uses an individual’s genomic information, protein biomarkers, environment, and lifestyle to determine the best course of treatment for their disease. Unlike precision medicine for cancer which primarily relies on DNA mutation testing to make treatment decisions, autoimmune disease looks at RNA, DNA’s dynamic cousin to determine the best treatment. Everyone […]
Meet your biomarkers

Lupus is not the same for everyone. Molecules called biomarkers can highlight your body’s unique reaction to SLE. You may already be familiar with several SLE biomarkers like anti-dsDNA, C3, and C4 that are commonly used to monitor SLE disease activity. Meet the new kid on the block, IFN-1. IFN-1 is a measure of your […]
Changing the way we study Lupus

Living with Lupus can feel very isolating. Not only is it a rare and “invisible” disease, but your Lupus journey will be unlike anyone else’s. DxTerity is trying to change the way we study autoimmune diseases by making Lupus research more personalized. You can help. Traditional research starts with focusing on drugs In the early […]
LIFT: A clinical study success story for Lupus

In a clinical study called LIFT, more than a thousand SLE patients came together and demonstrated, for the first time, that genomic markers relevant to Lupus can be measured from home. The LIFT story demonstrated the power of patient-centric research. The LIFT study is also an important first step towards making precision medicine a reality […]
There is no place like home: Transforming care for chronic illness

If you’ve been diagnosed with Lupus, you know that your health requires frequent monitoring. That means costly and time-consuming trips to the doctor that can leave you feeling frustrated. There’s got to be a better way. What if you could monitor the status of your disease from home? At-home monitoring kits have changed how patients […]